
What Experts Have to say.

Source : Proceedings of National Seminar on Edible Rice Bran Oil

In view of these beneficial effects, particularly on serum cholesterol levels, recently, rice bran oil has rightly been classified as a functional food or neutraceutical. Because of its cholesterol lowering effects, it is highly recommended to patients with hyperlipidemia as well as to general public for prevention of coronary heart disease.
--Dr. T.C. Raghu Ram, Dy. Director, National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad

"Rice bran oil is a unique edible oil with nutritionally desirable attributes compared to other edible oils. Its fatty acid composition is nearer to that recommended by nutritionists ideal for edible purposes. It has cholesterol-lowering property attributed to oryzanol and has minute quantities of nutritionally valuable constituents, such as tocopherols, sterols, squalene etc., which are important for promotion and maintenance of good health. In fact, in western countries this oil is considered a health food."
--Dr. A.B. Afzalpurkar, Dy. Director, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad.

"Health aspect of rice bran oil is not highlighted as much as it should have been done. This is where the market is in terms of the total awareness, be it as a hypocholesterolemic, antiviral, antioxidant and anticancer effect, or even a scavenging effect of carcinogens. All these need to be highlighted. Why is it that we shy about it? When there is a merit, let us shout about it and make noise."
--Dr. V. Prakash, Director, Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore.

"Rice bran oil enjoys the status of a health food from a cardiovascular view point and routine use of rice bran oil can be recommended as a sole cooking medium."
-- Dr. Praveen Chandra, MBBS DM, Consultant Cardiologist, Escort Heart Institute & Research Centre, New Delhi.

"Rice bran oil can be considered as 'Wealth of India' due to its unique fatty acid composition & presence of micro nutrients. It's use as a cooking oil is the new way to effective Heart care."
--Dr. S. Adhikari, Dabur Research Foundation, U.P

"Rice bran oil is used as an edible oil in Japan, China and other oil producing countries. In Japan, Rice bran oil is more popularly known as 'HEART OIL' as it keeps the cholesterol level in serum relatively low."
--Dr. M.K.Kundu, Former Edible Oils Commissioner, Ministry of Food & Consumer Afairs, GOI.

"It needs to be emphasized that refined rice bran oil itself is a valuable product as the nutritional properties of the oil provide many benefits for human health."
-- Dr. J.S. Khan & N.D. Seth, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi.